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Ett nytt antidepressivt läkemedel som verkar på dopaminsystem
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Ett nytt antidepressivt läkemedel som verkar på dopaminsystem
First, Dr. Liu and her team had demonstrated that the peptide relieved symptoms of depression during preclinical testing and was as effective as a conventional antidepressant medication, as published in Nature Medicine. Targeting this D1 and D2 receptor complex is unique, as antidepressant medications primarily block serotonin or norepinephrine transporters. This approach can potentially alleviate depression while minimizing unwanted side effects.
Most recently, in partnership with Impel NeuroPharma, Dr. Liu and her team found a way to administer the peptide using the POD nasal device in preclinical testing. When taken orally, the peptide does not cross the blood-brain barrier in sufficient concentrations. Using POD and delivering the peptide to the olfactory region of the nose resulted in transmission of the peptide to the correct target in the brain and relieved depression symptoms in preclinical testing. This research was supported by a Proof of Principle grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).
"This peptide is an entirely new approach to treating depression, and our work with Impel NeuroPharma has demonstrated a safe and effective way to provide this treatment in our research to date," says Dr. Liu. CAMH's Industry Partnerships and Technology Transfer Office established the collaboration with Impel NeuroPharma to investigate Impel's nasal delivery system for Dr. Liu's discovery, as well as facilitated the negotiation of the new licensing agreement.
#läkemedel #artikel #dopamin #D1 #D2
Sv: Ett nytt antidepressivt läkemedel som verkar på dopaminsystem
Targeting this D1 and D2 receptor complex is unique, as antidepressant medications primarily block serotonin or norepinephrine transporters. This approach can potentially alleviate depression while minimizing unwanted side effects.
Just det här stycket låter lite konstigt, det låter som att de har tagit fram en ny sorts neuroleptika och samtidigt så vill de få det till att det kanske ska bli mindre biverkningar än konventionella antidepressiva. Går inte ihop för mig, men ska bli kul att se om de kan lyckas med det.
Sv: Ett nytt antidepressivt läkemedel som verkar på dopaminsystem
Håller med, låter lite konstigt. Läkemedel som påverkar dopamin kan ha rätt kraftiga biverkningar, särskilt jämförelsevis med SSRI.
Butterflychaos- Ambulerande Admin
- Posts : 1295
Join date : 16-01-12
Age : 31
Location : Uppsala
Sv: Ett nytt antidepressivt läkemedel som verkar på dopaminsystem
Precis! Försökte gräva lite i det men den mest ingående förklaringen de ger är att "peptiden stör bindning vid D1 och D2-receptorer". Men men, det lär ju dyka upp mer om det här i framtiden.
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