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Artikel: Självskadebeteende även utan personlighetssyndrom

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Som en av dem som fick en borderlinediagnos på grund av självskadebeteende trots att jag för övrigt inte passar in så bra på diagnosen är jag glad att det forskas. Svårt att ge folk exakt den hjälp de behöver om alla dras över en kam!

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av chai
i sön jan 01 2017, 23:14
Sök i: Självskadande och ätstörningar
Ämne: Artikel: Självskadebeteende även utan personlighetssyndrom
Svar: 7
Visningar: 1409

The role of sleep in bipolar disorder

Hittade en artikel som jag tycker är intressant och som poängterar vad jag har upplevt under mina egna sjukdomsperioder - sömnen är aldrig bra i varken depressioner eller (hypo)manier.
Artikeln hittar ni härhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4935164/

Sleep disturbances are highly prevalent among bipolar patients and exert a detrimental impact on course of illness, self-reported quality of life, functioning, symptom burden, and overall treatment outcomes.9–11 Sleep disturbances are often highly comorbid with other psychiatric conditions and maladaptive health behaviors such as substance-use disorders,12 anxiety disorders,13 increased weight and obesity, and lack of physical activity.12 Such sleep disturbances occur across all stages of the illness such as directly preceding a mood episode and during an acute mood episode (eg, a depressive, manic, or mixed episode). Further, sleep disturbances are not unique to symptomatic bipolar patients; studies have noted the presence of sleep problems in euthymic (or remitted) bipolar patients,9,14 highlighting the importance of sleep as a treatment target throughout all stages of the bipolar illness.


The high rates of sleep disturbance in individuals with bipolar disorder, its pervading presence across the subtypes and stages of this condition, and its deleterious impact on its course raise an important question: Why does sleep seem to be at the root of bipolar disorder? If we could answer this question, it may lead to answers in how to treat this complex and chronic condition more effectively. To that end, this manuscript investigates the mechanisms and pathways contributing to sleep disturbances in bipolar patients. Broadly, individuals with bipolar disorder may possess a certain genetic predisposition for sleep problems; this predisposition may subsequently contribute to an abnormal shift or dysregulation within the bipolar individual’s circadian rhythm systems.9,20,21 This manuscript will examine the factors influencing sleep disturbances in bipolar disorder, biomarkers of sleep disturbances across various bipolar episodes, and the role of sleep disturbances in bipolar episode relapse.

[...] Given the impact of sleep disturbances on bipolar disorder, future research would benefit from examining novel psychosocial, pharmacological, and technological strategies to improve sleep. Zachariae et al86 conducted a meta-analysis of Internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (eCBT-I) with findings indicating that eCBT-I was effective in improving self-reported sleep quality, sleep onset latency, sleep efficiency, and total sleep time among individuals with insomnia or self-reported sleep problems.86 An eCBT-I approach warrants further attention in a bipolar sample. Harvey et al11 developed a cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia specific to bipolar disorder and compared this intervention to a psychoeducational control group. They found that cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia specific to bipolar disorder lowered overall rate of mood episode relapse, rate of hypomania/mania relapse, days in a bipolar episode, and lowered insomnia severity compared to the control group.11

#sömn #artikel
av Butterflychaos
i sön aug 21 2016, 15:00
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Ämne: The role of sleep in bipolar disorder
Svar: 3
Visningar: 3145

Varför är självskadande så vanligt bland kvinnor?

The stereotype is that kids who cut themselves are depressed. While that stereotype is usually accurate for boys, it's less reliably accurate for girls. Most boys who cut themselves are depressed, but many girls are not. Janis Whitlock and her colleagues at Cornell (Whitlock et al. 2008) found that college women injure themselves differently, and for different reasons, compared to college men. Cheng et al. (2010) recently developed a screening questionnaire to identify college students who were engaging in NSSI. They found that some of the best questions for screening the women were useless for screening the men, and vice versa. Other researchers have found that girls are more likely than boys to self-injure as a means of self-punishment, while boys are more likely to self-injure in the aftermath of a romantic break-up (Adler & Adler 2007; Rodham et al. 2004). But most research on NSSI overlooks these gender differences. Boys who are failing in every aspect of their life, who hit the wall during an argument, are lumped into the same category with girls who seem to be doing great, but who are cutting themselves in secret.


#artikel #NSSI #psykologi
av Onddruid
i sön apr 24 2016, 07:01
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Ämne: Varför är självskadande så vanligt bland kvinnor?
Svar: 14
Visningar: 3041

Vitamin D-brist en riskfaktor för schizofreni?

Vitamin D in Schizophrenia: A Clinical Review

Ursäkta, jag orkar inte göra någon längre sammanfattning men artikeln diskuterar om D-vitaminets påverkan på inflammatoriska och immunologiska processer kan påverka om personer utvecklar schizofreni. Man ser t.ex. en högre andel som insjuknar under årets mörka månader, och fler blir sjuka när de flyttar från ett solljust land vid ekvatorn till ett mörkare. D-vitamin bildas ju naturligt av solljus i huden. Det är inga tvärsäkra slutsatser ännu utan man har börjat forska på det.

#schizofreni #etiologi #D_vitamin #artikel
av chai
i ons apr 20 2016, 10:51
Sök i: Nyheter
Ämne: Vitamin D-brist en riskfaktor för schizofreni?
Svar: 2
Visningar: 3200

Mani försämrar förmågan att läsa av kroppsspråk

A recent study published in Psychiatry Research reveals that patients in the manic stages of bipolar disorder have greater impairment in decoding social cues from eye expressions compared with those in the depressed or euthymic stages of the condition.


#artikel #mani #psykos #perception #stämningsläge
av Onddruid
i ons apr 13 2016, 14:36
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Ämne: Mani försämrar förmågan att läsa av kroppsspråk
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Visningar: 2532

Dopaminagonist ny medicin för behandlingsresistent depression?

Pramipexole (Mirapex, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc), which is used to treat Parkinson's disease, can significantly improve symptoms of treatment-resistant depression, provided patients can tolerate the doses needed to achieve a therapeutic effect, new research suggests.

"These were quite treatment-refractory patients who did remarkably better on an adequately dosed dopamine agent," session co-chair Steven Hollon, PhD, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, told Medscape Medical News.

"The take-home message from this talk is that we should use a dopamine agent like pramipexole to deal with anhedonic treatment-refractory patients."


#artikel #läkemedel #dopamin #depression
av Onddruid
i fre apr 08 2016, 11:42
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Ämne: Dopaminagonist ny medicin för behandlingsresistent depression?
Svar: 1
Visningar: 3907

Ideation, självmordsförsök och genomförda självmord i dansk studie

The 61% of patients following the most common trajectory reported suicidal thoughts once or a few times within the past year, and this frequency decreased over time. One-third of the participants experienced suicidal ideation sometimes or frequently in a pattern that continued over the full decade. The final 6% of participants comprised the “frequent-increasing” trajectory group, whose frequent thoughts of suicide worsened over time.

This latter group had 6.6-times greater odds of attempting suicide after 5 years of followup, compared to the majority with less frequent suicidal ideation. The odds of a suicide attempt were 2.8 times greater for those with stable, frequent thoughts of suicide compared to the “low-decreasing” group. Yet actual suicide rates did not differ at 5 or 10 years among any of the 3 groups. Eight patients died by suicide during the decade of followup.

Those experiencing frequent thoughts of suicide, whether it remained stable or increased, had 4.5- to 4.7-times greater odds of persistent suicidal ideation than those with a low and decreasing trajectory at 5 years after the start of the study. These odds dropped only slightly, to 3.2 times greater among the frequent-increasing patients and 4.2 times greater among the frequent-stable patients, at 10 years followup compared to those with infrequent suicidal thoughts.


#artikel #schizofrenispektrum #suicid #psykos
av Onddruid
i tis apr 05 2016, 10:11
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Ämne: Ideation, självmordsförsök och genomförda självmord i dansk studie
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Visningar: 3105

Stora steg framåt för personer med bipolär sjukdom i Indien

Awareness about mental health is rising in India – thanks to our Bollywood celebrities for their bold confessions on their battle with the conditions.

Recently many public figures like Yo Yo Honey Singh, Deepika Padukone and Shama Sikander, etc, have opened up about their bipolar disorders. This has helped highlight the stigma in our society, which is otherwise, used to be treated as an afterthought in our country.

As we celebrate World Bipolar Day on March 30, 2016, let us try to understand more in-depth about mental disorders, which can be dangerous if not treated appropriately.


#artikel #samhälle #stigma
av Onddruid
i tor mar 31 2016, 02:54
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Ämne: Stora steg framåt för personer med bipolär sjukdom i Indien
Svar: 1
Visningar: 3853

Antiinflammatorisk behandling förbättrar kognition hos personer med Schizofreni

Cognition may improve significantly in schizophrenia patients when they are given anti-inflammatory treatment along with standard schizophrenia therapy, according to researchers at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University.

The new findings add to the growing body of evidence that at least some symptoms of schizophrenia are closely tied to the immune system and inflammatory reactions.

After only two intravenous doses of tocilizumab, an immune-suppressing drug typically prescribed for people with rheumatoid and juvenile arthritis, all five study participants with schizophrenia experienced improved cognitive ability.


#läkemedel #schizofreni #artikel
av Onddruid
i ons mar 30 2016, 09:21
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Ämne: Antiinflammatorisk behandling förbättrar kognition hos personer med Schizofreni
Svar: 9
Visningar: 2539

BO: Flickor med ADHD missgynnas

BO har i sin årsrapport gått igenom ett flertal studier som tittat på skillnader mellan hur flickor och pojkar får diagnoser. Man har också talat med barn om hur de upplevt situationen.

– Sammanfattningsvis kan man se att omgivningens svårigheter att identifiera och förstå flickornas svårigheter leder till att stöd, anpassning och diagnos ofta kommer senare för flickor än för pojkar.

Nu kräver BO att högskoleförordningen görs om så att alla lärare får obligatorisk utbildning om barn med neuropsykiska funktionsnedsättningar och andra funktionsnedsättningar.

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Intervju med sextonåriga Joanna Stridh: "Lärare trodde jag var genuint ond"

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av chai
i tis mar 22 2016, 17:49
Sök i: ADHD/ADD och övriga neuropsykiatriska funktionshinder
Ämne: BO: Flickor med ADHD missgynnas
Svar: 3
Visningar: 1720

Är stigmat på väg att bli mindre?

(CNN)Mental health has a long-standing public perception problem, but the stigma appears to be shifting, at least in the United States, a new survey reveals. Results from a national online survey on mental health, anxiety and suicide indicate that 90% of Americans value mental and physical health equally. 

"Progress is being made in how American adults view mental health, and the important role it plays in our everyday lives. People see connection between mental health and overall well-being, our ability to function at work and at home and how we view the world around us," said Dr. Christine Moutier, chief medical officer of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.


#stigma #samhälle #artikel #depression #myt
av Onddruid
i tis mar 22 2016, 10:07
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Ämne: Är stigmat på väg att bli mindre?
Svar: 3
Visningar: 3746

Amerikansk studie visar att inte ens läkare tar depression på allvar

The study, published in the journal Health Affairs earlier this week, found that doctors neglect to follow up with their patients who have a depression diagnosis. They also are less likely to help depression patients manage their illnesses. Meanwhile, these doctors are more likely to engage in care strategies with patients who have chronic physical illnesses like diabetes.

The researchers used survey results from a thousand U.S. primary care facilities, taken between 2006 and 2013, to examine doctors’ strategies for treating patients with depression compared to those used to treat congestive heart failure, asthma and diabetes.

While those with physical ailments were treated with the proper protocol outlined for a chronic condition — such as doctors teaching patients about their conditions and reminding them about their specific treatment plans — those with depression didn’t receive the same level of care, as NPR reports.


#artikel #samhälle #depression #stigma
av Onddruid
i sön mar 20 2016, 06:25
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Ämne: Amerikansk studie visar att inte ens läkare tar depression på allvar
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Visningar: 4257

Fler nya mediciner som utvecklats specifikt för bipolär sjukdom efterlyses

A considerable dearth of products to meet patient needs means there are significant opportunities within a declining bipolar market, reports research and consulting firm GlobalData.

The report describes the current bipolar pipeline as ‘sparse’. Only two treatments – Otsuka (TYO: 4578) and Lundbeck (LUND: CO) drug Abilify Maintena (aripiprazole) and ITI-007, licensed from Bristol-Myers Squibb (NYSE: BMY) – are expected to receive regulatory approval by 2024.

GlobalData forecasts that Abilify Maintena will achieve sales of $643 million in 2024 across the eight major markets of the US, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK, Japan and Canada.

Yet there remains a range of unmet needs for bipolar disorder.

In particular, novel, effective treatment options are needed for bipolar depression. Drugs must have improved safety profiles and physicians must be better informed about them, the report states

It adds that the drugs should be developed specifically for bipolar disorder, rather than manufacturers targeting approval simultaneously with other indicators.

Thomas Parker, GlobalData’s senior analyst covering neurology, said: “A novel product that demonstrates efficacy in terms of reducing depressive symptoms versus placebo would likely be viewed favorably by physicians, providing its safety profile is comparable to the newer atypical antipsychotics.

“An important opportunity also exists for the development of a novel mood stabilizer with an improved safety profile that is indicated for the long-term maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder. Current mood stabilizers are associated with a variety of adverse events that can significantly impact treatment outcomes.”


#bipolär #artikel #depression #läkemedel
av Onddruid
i fre mar 18 2016, 17:38
Sök i: Nyheter
Ämne: Fler nya mediciner som utvecklats specifikt för bipolär sjukdom efterlyses
Svar: 2
Visningar: 4542

Ny studie visar på att ketamin kan ge varaktiga effekter mot depression

While controversial in academic settings, Dr. Henderson said his direct experience supports a different strategy for multiple-infusion treatment regimens and his clinical experience shows ketamine can invoke long-lasting effects often with less than six infusions.

"The wealth of clinical experience from treating hundreds of patients with ketamine has supplanted the preliminary data that emerged from the initial open-label and small double-blinded studies," said Dr. Henderson, who is a board certified psychiatrist, specializing in diagnosing and treating complex conditions, based in Denver, Colorado. He is also the co-founder of Neuro-Luminance Ketamine Infusion Centers.

Patients in the study completed the Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptoms (QIDS-SR), among other scales, and 80% showed persistent positive response to the ketamine infusions treatments.


#artikel #läkemedel #ketamin #depression
av Onddruid
i fre mar 18 2016, 10:42
Sök i: Nyheter
Ämne: Ny studie visar på att ketamin kan ge varaktiga effekter mot depression
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Visningar: 4684

En viktig gen har identifierats som hjälper till genom att facilitera kommunikation mellan neuroner

The gene is synaptotagmin 7 (syt7 for short), a calcium sensor that dynamically increases neurotransmitter release; each release serves to strengthen communication between neurons for about a second. These swift releases are thought to be critical for the brain’s ability to perform computations involved in short-term memory, spatial navigation and sensory perception.

“We really think one of the most important things the brain can do is change the strength of connections between neurons,” Jackman said. “Now that we have a tool to selectively turn off facilitation, we can test some long-held beliefs about its importance for thinking and working memory.”


#hjärnan #neurologi #artikel #genetik
av Onddruid
i fre mar 18 2016, 06:01
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Ämne: En viktig gen har identifierats som hjälper till genom att facilitera kommunikation mellan neuroner
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Visningar: 3267

Psykisk ohälsa bland flyktingar

The trauma of war may have an even deeper psychological toll than previously thought. A new study in the BMJ (formerly the British Medical Journal) finds that refugees are at a higher risk for schizophrenia and other psychoses.

In an analysis of 1.3 million Swedish citizens, a team of psychiatric epidemiologists found that refugees were 3.6 times more likely to develop psychotic disorders than their Swedish-born counterparts. They were also 66 percent more likely to do so than migrants who were not refugees.

The study was released today, coinciding with the fifth anniversary of the beginning of the Syrian civil war. As refugees from the conflict continue to pour into Europe, these findings highlight refugees' mental health needs and some of the ways in which current services fall short. "The burden of mental health disorders which occur in already vulnerable populations is an important humanitarian issue," says James Kirkbride, a coauthor of the study and a senior research fellow in the Division of Psychiatry at University College London.

The authors of the BMJ study believe that traumatic experiences exacerbate a person's risk of developing a psychotic disorder. They estimate that 0.13 percent of refugees in Sweden have developed a psychotic disorder. Last year, Sweden decided to accept more than 32,600 refugees. According to the study's findings, about 41 will likely develop a psychotic disorder in the years after their arrival. Though the data on children is limited, Kirkbride says it appears that people who migrate earlier in life may be more likely to experience psychosis. The authors also suspect that a difficult resettlement process could exacerbate these effects, though further study is needed to confirm this.

Emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression are still more common than psychotic disorders among refugees, just as in the general population. The National Center for PTSD estimates that up to 31 percent of refugees suffer from depression, and some studies show that as many as 86 percent suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.

When asked whether he worried that his study's results might increase the fear of refugees, Kirkbride admits that the stigma surrounding severe mental illness abounds. However, the best response, he says, is to provide refugees with psychotic disorders with the treatment they need. "If you subscribe to the view that we have a moral duty to care for those we accept in our countries as refugees, this should extend to providing appropriate mental health care."


#psykos #samhälle #artikel #depression
av Onddruid
i tor mar 17 2016, 07:02
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Ämne: Psykisk ohälsa bland flyktingar
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Visningar: 3940

Ny antimanisk medicin

Vraylar is an atypical antipsychotic that exerts its effect through a combination of partial agonist activity at central dopamine D2 and serotonin 5-HT1A receptors and antagonist activity at serotonin 5-HT2A receptors. It acts as an antagonist at 5-HT2B and 5-HT2A receptors with high and moderate binding affinity as well as it binds to the histamine H1 receptors. Cariprazine shows lower binding affinity to the serotonin 5-HT2C and alpha1A- adrenergic receptors and has no appreciable affinity for cholinergic muscarinic receptors.


#läkemedel #artikel #neuroleptika #mani
av Onddruid
i tor mar 17 2016, 06:29
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Ämne: Ny antimanisk medicin
Svar: 1
Visningar: 3175

Depression är inte "bara" en mental sjukdom

This research is a meta analysis of 29 previous studies which comprise 3961 people, and it is the first detailed work of its kind about what happens in the organism of people suffering from depression. It studies the imbalance between the individual increase of various oxidative stress parameters (especially malondialdehyde, a biomarker to measure the oxidative deterioration of the cell membrane) and the decrease in antioxidant substances (such as uric acid, zinc, and the superoxide dismutase enzyme).

The researchers have managed to prove that, after receiving the usual treatment against depression, the patients' malondialdehyde levels are significantly reduced, to the point that they are indistinguishable from healthy individuals. At the same time, zinc and uric acid levels increase until reaching normal levels (something that does not occur in the case of the superoxide dismutase enzyme).


#artikel #depression #etiologi #diagnostik
av Onddruid
i sön mar 13 2016, 13:40
Sök i: Nyheter
Ämne: Depression är inte "bara" en mental sjukdom
Svar: 6
Visningar: 4152

Hur nybildning av neuroner kan påverka minnesformering

A growing body of research suggests that deficits in pattern separation—common in people with anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder—may underlie difficulty in discriminating between past fearful or sad events and novel experiences. Some evidence suggests that treatments that boost neurogenesis, such as antidepressants and exercise, could help people with these conditions maintain a better separation between past and present.


#npf #artikel #minne #kognition #depression
av Onddruid
i sön mar 13 2016, 13:19
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Ämne: Hur nybildning av neuroner kan påverka minnesformering
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Visningar: 2013

Motståndskraft mot stress, vad är det och vart kommer det ifrån?

Nature skrev:Confronted with a life-threatening situation, hormones and neurotransmitters prep us for action. Specific stress hormones — cortisol in primates, corticosterone in most rodents — are released, some of which surge across the blood–brain barrier. Stress gets everywhere: all our cells host receptors for the hormone. “Every brain area has something happen to it,” says Kaufer. The human brain has two types of receptor for cortisol. One has a six to tenfold higher affinity for the molecule than the other, and so is activated earlier, by smaller amounts of cortisol.

The hippocampus (which is pivotal for memory) and the amygdala (the centre for emotions) contain lots of the high-affinity receptors, and are, therefore, activated by slight rises in the hormone. The frontal lobe, which is involved in executive planning and control, has only the low-affinity receptor, and is activated later, after the tide has risen. And, as Lupien and colleagues found, both memory formation and recall in adults can be influenced by cortisol1.

The existence of two receptor types means that response to stress is not linear. “The relationship between circulating stress hormone and memory is an inverted U-shape function,” Lupien explains. “Up to a certain level, stress hormones are good for your memory” — when the cortisol binds only to the high-affinity receptors, the ability to lay down and retrieve memory is enhanced. When the low-affinity receptors are activated, the relationship enters the right-hand side of the U-shape and the response shifts, she adds.

The duration of stress is also important. A transient bout of stress causes a proliferation of neural stem cells and a spike in numbers of new neurons, which take at least two weeks to mature. The brain seems to be preparing itself in case a second stressor comes calling. Chronic stress is not so beneficial. It slashes investment in new neurons, prunes the tree-like shape of existing ones, and suppresses new connections.

If stress hormones remain elevated for months or years, they can stimulate physiological changes: the hippocampus shrinks and the amygdala grows, for example. Eventually, the complex feedback system that suppresses the excess secretion of cortisol is disturbed. Once this happens, the capacity to discriminate between threat levels falls away. Either everything seems threatening (anxiety) or else nothing does (depression or burnout).

Nature skrev:Old ideas that certain individuals have an inherent 'hardiness' or an innate ability to bounce back from severe stress have fallen by the wayside. Instead, resilience and our response to trauma are recognized as being more dynamic, changing throughout life. It's a complicated milieu, but one of the main ways that stress marks the brain is through epigenetics. This does not change genes, but it can change their expression by attaching methyl groups to DNA or associated proteins.

Nature skrev:As with memory, the way that sociability changes with stress is not linear. Kaufer's lab found that rats exposed to moderate stress — in this case, being immobilized in a bag — displayed more positive social behaviour, such as huddling, resource sharing and reduced aggression4. The researchers also saw an increase in the prosocial hormone oxytocin. But if the immobilized rats were exposed to fox odour, the addition of this high-level-stress inducer caused them to lose all pro-social behaviours. Oxytocin plummeted, as did its receptors. “This is really interesting because it can start to explain the social withdrawal that you can see in some psychopathologies like PTSD and depression,” Kaufer says.


#artikel #nature #stress #kortisol #neurologi #depression #minne #beteende #hjärnan
av Onddruid
i tor mar 03 2016, 11:18
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Ämne: Motståndskraft mot stress, vad är det och vart kommer det ifrån?
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Visningar: 2444

Ett nytt antidepressivt läkemedel som verkar på dopaminsystem

First, Dr. Liu and her team had demonstrated that the peptide relieved symptoms of depression during preclinical testing and was as effective as a conventional antidepressant medication, as published in Nature Medicine. Targeting this D1 and D2 receptor complex is unique, as antidepressant medications primarily block serotonin or norepinephrine transporters. This approach can potentially alleviate depression while minimizing unwanted side effects.

Most recently, in partnership with Impel NeuroPharma, Dr. Liu and her team found a way to administer the peptide using the POD nasal device in preclinical testing. When taken orally, the peptide does not cross the blood-brain barrier in sufficient concentrations. Using POD and delivering the peptide to the olfactory region of the nose resulted in transmission of the peptide to the correct target in the brain and relieved depression symptoms in preclinical testing. This research was supported by a Proof of Principle grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).

"This peptide is an entirely new approach to treating depression, and our work with Impel NeuroPharma has demonstrated a safe and effective way to provide this treatment in our research to date," says Dr. Liu. CAMH's Industry Partnerships and Technology Transfer Office established the collaboration with Impel NeuroPharma to investigate Impel's nasal delivery system for Dr. Liu's discovery, as well as facilitated the negotiation of the new licensing agreement.


#läkemedel #artikel #dopamin #D1 #D2
av Onddruid
i tis mar 01 2016, 17:36
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Ämne: Ett nytt antidepressivt läkemedel som verkar på dopaminsystem
Svar: 3
Visningar: 1492

"Att skylla på generna" verkar faktiskt hjälpa

The study is among the first to show the value of genetic counselling for psychiatric illnesses, and researchers say that the service should be made more available to people suffering from mental illness. Genetic counselling helps patients understand the cause of their illness, the genetic component and how they can protect their mental health going forward.

"Traditionally genetic counselling is applied to conditions that are caused entirely by genes like Huntington's disease," said Jehannine Austin, a Canada Research Chair in Translational Psychiatric genomics and associate professor at UBC. "Psychiatric disorders arise because of a combination of genes and experience and our study shows that genetic counselling is just as valuable for these patients."


#artikel #genetik #behandling #terapi
av Onddruid
i mån feb 29 2016, 07:46
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Ämne: "Att skylla på generna" verkar faktiskt hjälpa
Svar: 2
Visningar: 1054

Hör du en röst i huvudet när du läser?

Många hör röster när de läser men det är ändå många som inte gör det och det verkar som att vi mest antar att det vi upplever själva är normalt.

Vilhauer's study hints at an answer because she found that many people assumed that their inner experiences when reading were shared by everyone. This worked both ways, so some of the people who had an inner reading voice were convinced of its normality: "We all hear our voices in our heads at times – even those of others we know – especially while reading," said one Yahoo contributor. Yet others who claimed to have no inner voice felt they were the normal ones. For example, in response to a question posted on the site about whether anyone else hears an inner voice while reading, one responder said "Nooo. You should get that checked out" and another wrote, in capitals: "NO, I'M NOT A FREAK".

Vilhauer speculates that perhaps psychologists have failed to study this question because they've simply assumed, like many of the Yahoo contributors, that there's no variability in this and everyone has the same reading experience as they do.


#artikel #röster #psykologi
av Onddruid
i lör feb 27 2016, 07:25
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Ämne: Hör du en röst i huvudet när du läser?
Svar: 6
Visningar: 1756

Personer med psykisk sjukdom söker sig till partners med liknande tillstånd

The underlying reasons for these patterns are complex, and not entirely known. Nordsletten believes that the most likely explanation is assortative mating—the selection of a partner based on a shared trait or behavior.

“At a certain level, individuals feeling that their way of looking at the world is shared are drawn together,” adds Victor Reus, a psychiatrist at the University of California, San Francisco, who was not involved with the study.

Another possibility, however, is that this correlation is due to marital interaction—the process by which partners become more similar over time. “Some of the association that’s found could also be produced by one spouse’s reaction to their partner’s condition and the stress associated with it,” Reus suggests. “It may be that a partner who has chronic bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, which perhaps wasn’t evident at the onset [of the marriage], could trigger in a spouse a major depression—something that would make it look like an association after the fact but which doesn’t speak to the temporal sequence of when these disorders occurred in individuals.”


#artikel #beteende #relationer
av Onddruid
i lör feb 27 2016, 07:19
Sök i: Nyheter
Ämne: Personer med psykisk sjukdom söker sig till partners med liknande tillstånd
Svar: 6
Visningar: 1090

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